Comprehensive Guide to Forex Trading: From Beginner to Professional
Table of Contents
1. Introduction to Forex Trading
Currencies are always quoted in pairs; the first listed currency is known as the ‘base currency’, and the second currency is known as the ‘quote currency’ or ‘counter currency’. Trading consists of buying one currency and selling another currency simultaneously. If we buy the EUR/USD forex pair, we are buying the EUR and selling an equivalent amount of USD. If we sell the EUR/USD forex pair, we are selling the EUR and buying an equivalent amount of USD. The first currency listed in a forex pair is known as the base currency. The second currency in a forex pair is known as the quote currency. In forex trading, selling currency is called ‘going short’ or taking a ‘short position’. Going long is just the opposite; going long is buying currency with the expectation that it will rise in value. Exchange rates are determined by the supply and demand levels of the particular national currency.

Foreign exchange, commonly known as ‘Forex’ or ‘FX’, is the exchange of one currency for another at an agreed exchange price on the Over-the-Counter (OTC) market. Most currency trading is done through the spot market, which means a transaction where two parties agree to buy or sell a specified amount of one currency against another currency. The spot Forex market operates 24 hours a day and is the largest and most liquid financial market in the world. Average daily trading volumes exceeded $5 trillion in 2011, down from the $5.3 trillion reported in 2010 by the Bank for International Settlements. The main participants in the foreign exchange market are large banks and other institutional traders, but with the advent of the internet, ordinary individuals and small businesses can also participate directly in Forex trading. Individuals, with the benefit of trading platforms, the knowledge of analytical tools, and the global coverage of news 24 hours a day, can capitalize on short-term price fluctuations and, possibly, profit consistently.
2. Understanding the Basics of Forex Trading
The base currency is always expressed in 1 unit. The lead currency is the quotation, which explains how much that one unit is worth in the base currency. If you are buying, you will be offered the lead currency at a fixed ask price. If you are selling, you will be offered the lead currency at the same fixed bid price. It will always be the closest price to the asking price. You need to practice this enough to quickly learn. For example, EUR/USD of 1.5053/1.5055. The spread is the difference of the two. In this case, the spread is 0.0002 or two pips. The smaller the spread, the lower it will cost you. Buying at the asking price will cost you a little more so you need to know this at all times. As the market does not have a place, trading can be done at any hour, whether it is open or closed in New York. Same with Tokyo, London or any place else that is convenient. There are more opportunities being presented around the clock.
Forex trading is buying or selling currencies. In other words, world currencies are on a market and you can buy or sell them. The market is open 24 hours a day, six days a week. Forex trading happens in many different financial centers in Berlin, Tokyo, New York, London, and others. It enables banks to transact money around the world, as trading is done electronically over-the-counter. Some exchanges, called futures exchanges, exist and they work as a middleman; they will make sure the deal goes through. They will charge a commission at a rate. Forex trading will always happen in pairs. The way these two currencies behave will tell each trader whether to buy or sell.
2.1. What is Forex?
The primary object of forex is to enable banks and other businesses, like those involved in exports and imports, to turn one currency into another. If you travel from the US to most European countries and exchange your dollars for euros, you are participating in a forex transaction. Imagine it like selling a product or a service to a foreign country and accepting the returned payment in the currency of the customer. Forex trading includes the sale of money. It will consist of different transactions you do when travelling, besides involving sorts of currency speculation. These transactions take place almost constantly throughout the forex week (as forex is active 24 hours a day) as telegraphic transfers from one country to another. These transactions, settled under spot conditions, involve definitely no speculation. These are the main reasons for the existence of the forex market.
Foreign exchange (forex or FX trading), also known as currency trading, is essentially the sale of one type of money and the purchase of another. A currency trade involves the purchase or sale of forex. It is one of the largest and most traded markets in the world, with an average daily trading volume of more than $3 trillion. The forex market is not held at the same place as the stock exchange; it is not supervised by some organization or central exchange point like the more traditional stock or commodity markets. A forex deal generally involves simultaneous buying of one currency and selling of another, the same way as in the stock market. Forex trading is considered to be the largest market in the world. It is a decentralized, international system of trading which facilitates the transactional exchange of various national currencies.
2.2. Major Currency Pairs
As a professional trader, you should understand fundamental analysis thoroughly and then focus primarily on these currencies. These five currencies are the most widely marketed, most well-established countries in terms of their political and economic structures, and are at the forefront of the world’s most traded currencies in the Forex market. The major pairs are USD, EUR, JPY, GBP, and CHF. All of them have close relationships with the interest rates set by the Federal Reserve Board as a base currency in the major pairs.
Currency pairs are generally divided into three categories: major, minor, and exotic. In other words, the currency pairs are sorted according to the monthly trade volume, the share of the currencies in world trade, and the relations of the currencies with the U.S. dollar. All currency pairs with USD are called major pairs. In the major pairs, one of the two is USD. For instance, if EUR/USD is taken into account, this means our primary investment is EUR and the counter investment is USD. During your market analysis, this distinction helps you minimize your work; since all technical and macro-economic analyses will be related to the U.S. dollar and its interest rates, only US, EUR, GBP, JPY, and CHF-based commodities and data have to be closely followed.
2.3. Pips, Lots, and Leverage
Leverage is offered by forex brokers to allow traders to gain a larger exposure to the currency market than their account balance allows. The credit provided is in the form of a ratio, and it is displayed to the account holder depending upon the margin that they have available in their respective accounts. It is expressed as a ratio between the trader’s own equity and the borrowed equity. Leverage amplifies both the profits and the loss of the traders who use them. Forex traders will be the first ones to ask if the broker they are considering to register is using leverage or not, as the purchasing power of the trader may get significantly increased. Many participants may decide to utilize them as they can put a smaller amount of capital to control a more significant amount of money in the deal, which is the main attraction of leveraged workings. With leverage, traders can cumulatively generate more considerable profits from short-term swings in currency prices. The disadvantage is that leverage can also pose the threat of heavier losses when the market moves against the position of the trader.
These are three major components to consider when placing a trade. Pip is a measure used in the Forex market. Currencies are traded in units and pip is the last digit shown. A pip represents the smallest movement a currency pair can make. The measurement of the movement of the prices of trading is used to compare the amount you gain from a particular trade. The size of currency is measured in lots in forex trading. A standard lot represents 100,000 units of any base currency. Currency trading is done in different amounts, called lots. These lots give us the volume amount of the currency, due to which we can buy or sell a particular currency pair.

3. Setting Up Your Trading Account
A demo account’s main benefit is that it enables you to duplicate live trading with complete precision. You will be able to look at your screen, carry out all the action, and experience your potential success or loss as if you traded in reality. A trader gains insight into trading without having to aimlessly invest weeks or months playing the boards with actual money. Demo accounts are superior since they have the same conditions as a real trading account. This means you won’t have any restrictions on the duration of your proper trading experience, which is important since many foreign exchange trading platforms do not provide realistic real-time trading for live account users.
One of the first things that has to be done when signing up with a forex broker is to create a live trading account. Although all traders may trade for zero risk using a demo trading account that does not require any significant amount of funds, applicants may keep the trading account as long as they want to trade using it or may turn to trading on a live trading account at once. It may be better to begin trading on a demo account if you are a beginner and to experiment and try different kinds of explicit and learning trading practices.
3.1. Choosing a Broker
How, then, as an individual, can you partake in this colossal market filled with enormous trading opportunities in the form of extremely high liquidity? Therein, the need arises for you as an individual to look for a forex broker who is properly regulated and authorized to facilitate your desire to start trading in foreign currencies. However, before opening an account with a forex broker, it is important for the following criteria to be taken into consideration:. These factors will largely help you determine the best possible brokers that suit your trading needs and value proposition.
In foreign exchange trading, there is no single trading floor where buyers and sellers meet electronically to transact their businesses. Instead, there are numerous dealers that are linked up with each other over a myriad of electronic networks, also known as inter-bank networks. These are the actual parties dealing in the foreign exchange market. However, these traders are typically big multinational corporations, investment banks, refineries, mutual funds, hedge funds and the like that require large dealing sizes and deal with very large dealing transactions.
3.2. Types of Trading Accounts
We can distinguish between various trading accounts based on account size. The following types account for any individual investor’s standard trading account: micro, mini, standard, and VIP. Each account supports a one-on-one discussion with account managers and forensic specialists. Growth in the trading platform will be tested and evident in these areas. You may earn profits for the client in the hands of specialists. VIP accounts are those that are reserved for traders who possess a high net worth. Investors with this account have the opportunity to trade with the largest trade size. VIP traders typically receive price movement driven by significant news events more frequently than smaller account traders. VIP accounts do not include trading volume restrictions. VIP accounts have a distinct spread level since they provide a direct link to liquidity. VIP accounts are generally offered by brokers who are happy to back up their claims. VIP customers obtain education and academic materials, such as master class offers.
A forex account is a kind of trading account used by a trader to trade currency in the forex market. There are four types of trading accounts available: micro, mini, standard, and VIP. A smaller account is appropriate to start off with, such as a micro, which can be very beneficial to all kinds of traders. Furthermore, traders may choose from a variety of account selections that have various features based on their tastes and necessities. All sorts of trading indicate a commitment to developing the financial markets of a country and increasing its profitability. Every trader will gain from the system. Loyalty programs, promotions, and guides are the perks. To offer the greatest possible customer service and solutions, brokers at these levels frequently have to examine investors on a one-on-one basis.
4. Developing a Trading Strategy
Momentum trading methods: Often, a brief spike or unpredicted volatility will occur when a crucial sentiment is discovered. This can often be capitalized upon if the duration of the jump is sustainable. These trading methods are less popular than UM.
Trading is continued throughout 24 hours, and companies will react to new sentiments just like others. Count phrases and the number of words that can be utilized for sentiment. Count the news out of the news, the time of the statement, and the revision of the statement.
The trading method used by:
Technical trading methods: Computer-generated trading can be profitable.
News trading methods: This method relies on news that indicates changes in a country’s economy. Regular profit can be made using these types of trading strategies.
Large investors typically have their trades planned in advance. They know the sentiments they are looking to enter, their profit objectives, and their loss thresholds. You must use a different strategyโa coherent one. Here are some examples of the type of strategy that can get you started:
4.1. Technical Analysis
Technical analysis is also an attitude or a state of mind, an approach to the market that leads you to believe that the economic, political, and social facts (some of which have no empirical valuation) are already discounted in the price. Furthermore, reading the charts encourages you to focus on the psychological aspects of the market. Some consider technical analysis a very mechanical discipline; others find it completely intuitive. The intuition of the operator plays a fundamental role in the interpretation of graphic figures (a sequential order of maximum and minimum prices), the forecasting of future price trends, and the detection of the moment in which a trend has become vulnerable.
First of all, we must note that technical analysis is an inexact science. The experience accumulates over the years and the conviction with which the analyst affirms his conclusions increases proportionally with his smartness. Technical analysis is based on three fundamental principles: price includes everything, prices move in trends, and history usually repeats itself. Technical analysis is about reading the price chart and market history. Every person, as every economy and every market, has its own way of behaving; however, in the end, certain patterns repeat throughout history, as several cycles repeat throughout life.
4.2. Fundamental Analysis
Retail Sales: The retail sales report reflects the total physical sales of merchandise from stores in the United States. It is foremost in the list of high-influence economic announcements as it can result in short-term and long-term fluctuations in investor behavior. Increased spending will encourage economic expansion, while tight consumer spending will have a contradictory effect. In the absence of consumer spending, it can maintain a rock foundation for economic expansion and help stabilize exchange rates. Generally, a healthy value signals an active economic cycle.
Employment: is an indicator of the economic condition of a particular country. A greater labor force means that a smaller number of jobs are available in relation to the number of people looking for positions. High levels of employment indicate economic health, especially in conjunction with strong economic growth, lower levels of industrial production, and increased consumer spending. It is a lagging indicator and demonstrates the health of the economy over short-term and long-term time sequences. The unemployment rate is a lagging indicator. It is intended to show the level of joblessness in an economy.
Inflation: Inflation refers to the increase in the prices of goods and services in an economy over a certain period of time. However, inflation is also one of the most important economic indicators in forex trading. Inflation is most commonly measured through the Consumer Price Index and the Producer Price Index in countries. If a country has a lower-than-expected inflation rate, its currency can strengthen relative to other currencies. Central banks attempt to limit inflation and avoid deflation in order to keep the economy running smoothly. Inflation can have a valuable short-term influence on foreign currency exchange rates. Central banks take account of consumer price inflation, which is primarily a measure of goods and services.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): GDP refers to the market value of all officially recognized final goods and services produced within a country in a given period. It is an important measure of economic activity and overall wealth. It is considered to be one of the broadest measures of an economy and the most important indicator. It is used by forex investors or market analysts, which may be broken down into economic “indicators”. These indicators are used to better understand the economic performance of a particular country or region. These fundamental indicators can help traders assess the current and future health of the overall country’s economy, as well as the strength and development of particular economic sectors. These economic indicators can have the most impact on the short-term direction of currency trading, such as the United States, Europe, and Japan.
Interest Rates: If one is engaging in forex trading, one is trading in a currency pair. The most powerful determinants of future exchange rate movements are differences in interest rates. Generally, higher interest rates increase the value of a country’s currency. A higher-than-expected inflation rate is positively related to that country’s interest rate. There is also a strong relationship wherein the increase in price charges motivates the central banks to increase the interest rate.
Fundamental analysis is defined as the study of economic and financial information to understand how management decisions affect a company’s future cash flows. In a way, the fundamental analysis in forex is no different from the fundamental analysis of stocks but is highly simplified. In forex, one must first consider economic indicators, interest rates, and other fundamental data to understand the strength of a currency.
4.3. Risk Management
The maximum loss for any trader must be controlled. Too much risk means a very hard and long way back up to previous levels. You need to have small loss per trade and large positive percentage return. To calculate the percentage, your maximum risk per trade calculated should be 1% to 3%. In the foreign exchange market, you use 1% margin. At the price of $100,000 you may trade with $1,000,000. This means that 1% of your sum is used to purchase the sum of trades placed. You should set the limit to the size of the wage, which takes into account the worst-case scenario. This is something that is within the investor’s minimum account level. Don’t ever let the market surprise you. The trader has the right to control himself before he controls the market. Such actions will overload your account and will generate lacks a proper trade. The worst consequence of losing trading is not financial loss, but mental defeat of the trader. The only way to remove the fear of loss is to risk a very small amount of trades.
Risk management is a critical thing to consider when you’re trading. This is what separates winning traders from losers. You need to have a proper level of risk for the reward on every trade you make. Let me explain what this means. If you place a trade where you stand to make a profit of 100 pips and you have a stop where you will lose 100 pips, this is a good trade where the reward is equal to the risk. If the market moves in your favor, your reward will always be greater than your risk. If the market moves against you, and you’re on the bad side of this trade, then your risk is gone. Sometimes you will have a losing trade, but you need to wrap it and minimize it. Your good deals will make good money, so that you will always be profitable. The main idea in risk management is to preserve your capital as much as possible. The most common mistake made by traders is that they’re risking way too much money on each trade.

5. Executing Trades
When you open or close out a position by selling or buying, your order is filled at the current market price. Therefore, a market order will give you the best chance of having your order filled in terms of speed. However, it might not get filled at your desired price, as for certain major pairs spread can widen to hundreds of pips under high-volatile conditions. To mitigate this risk, but admit that your order might not be filled, apply a limit order.
The most commonly used binary choice is to place a market order or a limit order. When you click on the buy or sell button, your order is executed. Depending on your strategy, you may find that market or limit orders prove to be more useful.
Youโve chosen your broker and opened your account. Youโve done your homework on your chosen currency pairs โ your hands are dirty, and now you can get to work. You can now engage in the act of forex trading by executing a buy or sell at the current market price of a currency pair. Before you press the button, consider what will be a suitable order for you.
5.1. Market Order vs. Limit Order
In the foreign exchange market, the classification of market orders and limit orders may be attributed to different circumstances. For forex trading, the market execution is the immediate order execution regardless of time, capital, and market conditions. The pending order is set up before the market price reaches the trading indicator that both the forex trader and the market agree with. For instance, the EMA (200) of the 1-hour short-term chart can be set at the last entry or take profit point. In this example, the EMA is the main resistance or decisive indicator. The price close beyond the EMA can restore the trend or reverse the trend in the previous period. The limit order is considered as the pending order of the forex trading, and it is stitched with the future calendar time and exchange rate. In the foreign exchange market, the forex trader decides the specific trading time and exchange rate to set up a position before executing an order. At that time, the trader will wait until the market price movement reaches the specified time, price, and order type. If the circumstances determined by the limit order are right and desirable, the entry point of the forex trading with the trade opportunity will be executed.
Fundamentally, the market and limit orders are two different types of trading orders used by traders. The basic meaning of the market order is buying and selling securities at the current market price. The price is not guaranteed, but the trade can be executed immediately. The basic meaning of the limit order is buying and selling securities at the specified price. The trade will be executed only when the market price reaches the condition of the limit order. The price is agreed, but the trade may not be executed immediately and may result in incomplete or unfilled orders. In this regard, the dollar cost average is a typical trading strategy using market orders as the main trading type.
5.2. Stop-Loss and Take-Profit Orders
The word “forex” was derived from the words “foreign exchange,” where the only strategy was to buy and sell currencies. Today, exchange operations make up not only a significant part of the global economy but also a separate market where one can make money.
According to the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the global forex trading turnover was $6.59 trillion in 2019. The reason that forex trading has become so popular is that it is accessible and does not require thousands of assets at the beginning. A trader can start with just a few dollars. How to begin trading forex? What peculiarities, pitfalls, and working strategies will you encounter on the forex market? A comprehensive guide with detailed descriptions, examples of calculations, and psychological advice will help you find your path to success in forex trading.
A stop-loss order closes a position when the price goes against the initial forecast. Prices often move rapidly on forex, and if there is no stop-loss, the deposit can be lost in just a few minutes. To fix the maximum allowable loss for a particular trade, traders set a stop-loss level. This level acts as an airbag for an open trade. Before opening a trade on forex, it is crucial to calculate both the take-profit and stop-loss levels and set these orders immediately. To do this, the trader needs to build a trading plan, make a decision based on the results of the technical and fundamental analysis, and use a logical trading system.
On the forex market, a trader can use two orders to secure his position from negative fluctuations. The first is a take-profit order. It automatically closes the trade when the price reaches a specified level and fixes the result. The trading results depend on how accurately the trader can predict these levels. To make the analysis easier, professional traders use pending orders.
6. Advanced Trading Techniques
One of the most important strategies in currency trading for traders is utilizing stop-loss orders. This strategy should be used by all traders for all transactions because it helps prevent the trader from selling a foreign currency at an unfavorable time. This is particularly integral for traders who have not become adept at understanding the market’s behavior. The use of foreign exchange hedging strategies is also very important to the trader, including internally using non-derivative instruments as hedging tools. Traders should utilize take-profit orders to protect themselves from losing money. This is a tool that doesn’t get as much attention as other strategies for forex trading, but it is a part of all profitable trading strategies. Traders typically enter stop-loss orders to protect their account from a strong price reversal. However, if it becomes extremely likely that the trade will be made against a specific position, the trader will typically exit the position at breakeven.
The forex market offers endless opportunities for new traders to play the game. However, regardless of a trader’s skill level, the vast amount of opportunities related to the FX market can easily be lost if the appropriate strategy is not used. A successful trader, regardless of their proficiency, will need to have a few strategies in order to be successful. For traders, regardless of their trading proficiency, a must is a good and reliable trading platform. Since the market is highly volatile and prices can change almost immeasurably in a matter of minutes, traders will need to be able to execute orders at the right time.
6.1. Trading Psychology
- Pitchfork is a channel that originated in the theory of L. Andrews. It consists of three lines.
- Psychological statutes of traders, positive and negative aspects: Every human being has their own psychological traits, but for traders, it is extremely important to do so since those traits can affect the final results of their currency market trading.
Every human being has to confront their own psychological traits, but for traders, it is extremely important to do so because it can affect the results of their trading on the currency market. We can teach a man who has never traded to buy and sell any financial instrument, but when trading begins, we cannot predict their reaction. It is their own way of thinking that will determine whether they will succeed or not. To be a good trader, you need to discipline your psychological qualities. Here are some aspects of your psychology that can affect your trading. This is not an indication that they will affect it negatively, but you should control your emotions in order to turn them into positive aspects.
6.2. Algorithmic Trading
Many traders exploiting their strategy knowledge, previous back-testing experience, and technical skills decide to design and optimize algorithmic trading models. The main reason for the decision to become a pure algorithmic trader is the impact of the exchange cost mathematically represented by the multiplication of the number of the required orders for the closing trades realization. Even if the cost considerations would guide the initial trading-based decisions, technology access, difficulty to manage the overall trading process, and continuous vigilance associated with reducing the risk create the necessity to further evolve the intelligent trading software during trading activity. The simplest way to trade via order execution algorithms is to set up a trade order that can be performed based on pre-set instructions such as volume, time-based instructions, and a combination of these two. The most used volume instructions if talking about the currency domain are the implementation shortfall or volume-weighted average price. When using the time-based instruction set traders can choose to place time-limited orders, urgency or time slicing, and adaptive market orders that would increase the urgency of execution when significant price changes are being registered.
Forex algorithmic trading represents the largest trading marketplace. What appears to be the problem with this impressive data representation? As my previous post on forex costs implicitly suggests, the forex market has cycle characteristics that impact how exchange rates adjust. This means fx traders have to adapt their expectations about the expected good magnitude and risk-return features in normal, trending, and oscillating market conditions. The previous statement translates into unique trader emotional states, behavior of influential price drivers, order flow intensity, and execution strategies but also techniques and methods of analysis and forecasting that are considered more suitable for different market conditions. You will now ask why do I bring these standpoints to an article that is focused on forex trading robots? The reason is that algorithmic trading software should be looked at as a derivative of the forex market. This means that although EAs consume market-generated data streams, they were created by people. This also means that forex robots should be developed to perform well for a specific set of a priori known market conditions, strategy assumptions, and so on. The consequence of the previous statement is that if the forex market is subjected to directional changes in a multitude of the previously mentioned features, then forex EAs have to be rigorously updated or re-written.
An algorithm is a specific set of instructions for carrying out a procedure. The instructions have to be precise and exhaustive so that when followed, the targeted outcome is achieved. In the world of financial trading, algorithms carry out exchange orders to trade one financial product for another. As with any type of tool, market participants use algorithms to meet various trading-related goals. In this post, I will attempt to provide you with the current landscape of algorithmic trading in the forex market. You will learn the technology’s benefits and what major risks predict the implementation of the software-driven trading tools. The last message of this article will present you with the current forex EAs market and the reason why independent traders and small institutional participants appear to be somewhat cautious about acquiring software that can supposedly generate significant returns with little time commitment.
7. Continuing Education and Professional Development
For those interested in forex topics considering professional growth, there are numerous opportunities for individuals who have relevant and vast experience, as well as a few useful certificates. By presenting yourself at an agency of brokers, you can take an important step in your Forex career. Another important aspect of your Forex offer is regarding the demands that can contain certain forms of Forex and foreign securities.
Professional Development
Analyze the causes of the economic data released by the governments of the countries involved in a specific transaction. Consider the economic data and historical reports that are shown in the metropolitan areas of trading, as these data may have more or less relevant weight in a specific transaction. The economic data and the reports shown in the metropolitan areas of negotiation may have more or less relevant weight in a specific transaction.
Read the books. In English, there are numerous specific sets to date. Most of these units offer your readers a practical approach to trading.
Taking a course to get a better understanding of how the forex market works involves mathematical types and with the essential aim of developing a few standard methods. You can also make use of the so-called newsletters that are sent to members of specialized forums and attend the training free of charge.
Since Forex does not have a central exchange, it may be necessary to consider participating in proprietary forums and organizations focused on the forex market. On these pages, you can broaden your relationship with other professionals and seek advice for specific problems.
Once you are attracted to a career in forex, you will feel an insatiable urge to learn more, to know more, and to enrich yourself in knowledge, not only before risking your money but also in practice. Unless you are a skilled and disciplined financial professional, good, fast mathematical skills are not enough if you want to win in online forex.
Continuing Education